Google Adsense TOS Updated: Menampilkan Privacy Policy

Jika Anda kebetulan seorang publisher Google Adsense, jangan kaget jika saat membuka akun Adsense Anda beberapa hari belakangan ini, Anda diminta untuk menverifikasi persetujuan Google Adsense Terms and Conditions yang baru.

Ya, tanggal 25 Februari 2008 kemarin memang Adsense kembali melakukan update Terms and Conditions untuk para publishernya. Untuk lengkapnya silahkan dibaca di Inside Adsense. Secara ringkas, ada 2 hal yang penting yang tercakup dalam Terms and Services baru tersebut:

1. Mengantisipasi pengembangan produk baru dan medium baru yang akan digunakan Google Adsense di masa depan, beberapa redaksional Terms and Conditions mengalami sejumlah penyesuaian.

2. Sebagai konsekuensi poin pertama diatas, publisher Adsense kini HARUS menambahkan halaman Privacy Policy di situs atau blog yang menampilkan iklan Adsense. Privacy Policy ini terutama harus menjelaskan penggunaan cookies (apa itu cookies) dan web beacons (apa itu web beacons) dalam proses pengumpulan data layanan Google Adsense.

Dari kedua poin diatas, poin kedua sangat penting dan perlu ditindaklanjuti oleh setiap publisher Adsense. Jika tidak, jangan kaget kalau nanti Google Adsense menggunakan alasan tidak adanya halaman Privacy Policy ini untuk menjatuhkan hukuman banned terhadap akun Adsense Anda. Tidak mau kan? :) Yang barangkali jadi persoalan bagi para publisher adalah, Google Adsense sendiri tidak memberikan contoh atau template Privacy Policy baku yang bisa kita copy-paste di blog kita. Terus bagaimana membuatnya? Pakai bahasa Inggris lagi. :)

Jangan khawatir, ada solusinya. Pertama, silahkan pergunakan Online Privacy Policy Generator. Kedua, silahkan "pinjam" contoh Privacy Policy situs-situs mapan yang sudah menampilkan halaman Privacy Policy.

Berikut adalah contoh Privacy Policy yang saya buat menggunakan Online Privacy Policy Generator. Silahkan di copy-paste. :)

Privacy Policy Statement

This is the web site of

Our postal address is Mukaijima Takabacho, 104-3, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Japan.

We can be reached via e-mail at or you can reach us by telephone at 090-6559-5272.

For each visitor to our web page, our web server automatically recognizes the consumer's omain name and e-mail address (where possible).

We collect the domain name and e-mail address (where possible) of visitors to our Web page, the e-mail addresses of those who communicate with us via e-mail, aggregate information on what pages consumers access or visit, user-specific information on what pages consumers access or visit, name and address, telephone number, fax number, payment information (e.g., credit card number and billing address).

The information we collect is not shared with other organizations for commercial purposes.

With respect to cookies, we use cookies to store visitors preferences, record session information, such as items that consumers add to their shopping cart, record user-specific information on what pages users access or visit, record past activity at a site in order to provide better service when visitors return to our site .

If you do not want to receive e-mail from us in the future, please let us know by sending us e-mail at the above address.

From time to time, we make the e-mail addresses of those who access our site available to other reputable organizations whose products or services we think you might find interesting. If you do not want us to share your e-mail address with other companies or organizations, please let us know by calling us at the number provided above.

From time to time, we make our customer e-mail list available to other reputable organizations whose products or services we think you might find interesting. If you do not want us to share your e-mail address with other companies or organizations, please let us know by calling us at the number provided above.

If you supply us with your postal address on-line you will only receive the information for which you provided us your address.

Persons who supply us with their telephone numbers on-line will only receive telephone contact from us with information regarding orders they have placed on-line.

With respect to ad servers, to try and bring you offers that are of interest to you, we have relationships with other companies that we allow to place ads on our Web pages. As a result of your visit to our site, ad server companies may collect information such as your domain type, your IP address and clickstream information.

From time to time, we may use customer information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy notice. If our information practices change at some time in the future we will post the policy changes to our web site to notify you of these changes and we will use for these new purposes only data collected from the time of the policy change forward. If you are concerned about how your information is used, you should check back at our web site periodically.

Customers may prevent their information from being used for purposes other than those for which it was originally collected by e-mailing us at the above address.

With respect to security, we have appropriate security measures in place in our physical facilities to protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of information that we have collected from you at our site.

If you feel that this site is not following its stated information policy, you may contact us at the above addresses or phone number.

Dan berikut adalah contoh Privacy Policy yang saya "pinjam" dari situs Silahkan di copy-paste. :)

Privacy Policy Statement

Thank you for visiting our web site. This privacy policy tells you how we use personal information collected at this site. Please read this privacy policy before using the site or submitting any personal information. By using the site, you are accepting the practices described in this privacy policy. These practices may be changed, but any changes will be posted and changes will only apply to activities and information on a going forward, not retroactive basis. You are encouraged to review the privacy policy whenever you visit the site to make sure that you understand how any personal information you provide will be used.

Note: the privacy practices set forth in this privacy policy are for this web site only. If you link to other web sites, please review the privacy policies posted at those sites.

Collection of Information
We may collect personally identifiable information, like names, postal addresses, email addresses, etc., when voluntarily submitted by our visitors. The information you provide is used to fulfill you specific request. This information is only used to fulfill your specific request, unless you give us permission to use it in another manner, for example to add you to one of our mailing lists.

Cookie/Tracking Technology
The Site may use cookie and tracking technology depending on the features offered. Cookie and tracking technology are useful for gathering information such as browser type and operating system, tracking the number of visitors to the Site, and understanding how visitors use the Site. Cookies can also help customize the Site for visitors. Personal information cannot be collected via cookies and other tracking technology, however, if you previously provided personally identifiable information, cookies may be tied to such information. Aggregate cookie and tracking information may be shared with third parties. The Site or the advertisers on the Site may use cookies and/or web beacons to collect data in the ad serving process.

Distribution of Information
We may share information with governmental agencies or other companies assisting us in fraud prevention or investigation. We may do so when: (1) permitted or required by law; or, (2) trying to protect against or prevent actual or potential fraud or unauthorized transactions; or, (3) investigating fraud which has already taken place. The information is not provided to these companies for marketing purposes.

Commitment to Data Security
Your personally identifiable information is kept secure. Only authorized employees, agents and contractors (who have agreed to keep information secure and confidential) have access to this information. All emails and newsletters from this site allow you to opt out of further mailings.

Privacy Contact Information
If you have any questions, concerns, or comments about our privacy policy you may contact us using the information below:

By e-mail:
By Phone: 090-6559-5272

We reserve the right to make changes to this policy. Any changes to this policy will be posted.

Mana yang paling sesuai untuk blog Anda? Silahkan dipilih.

Selamat meng-copy-paste. :) Semoga bermanfaat.

(Gambar diambil dari situs Google Adsense)

Medhy Aginta Hidayat

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